Annual On Your Mark Spring Gala — a night of celebration and support — unfolds April 20 at the Hilton

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — On Your Mark will reprise the organization’s Annual Spring Gala on Saturday, April 20, at the Hilton Garden Inn, when Nicotra’s Ballroom will come alive with captivating entertainment, games of chance, live auctions and more — all to support a very worthy cause. Updated

The organization, dedicated to providing innovative and comprehensive community-based services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, is on a mission to promote inclusion, empowerment, and a higher quality of life for all.

What’s more, it has made a steadfast commitment to enhance the lives of those it serves within the community of Staten Island — and beyond.

In speaking of the upcoming gala evening, John Bilotti, executive director of On Your Mark, expressed his excitement as this year’s Spring Gala quickly approaches.

“We have some major announcements to make, from the unveiling of the new On Your Mark Campus to some very generous and heartfelt donations in support of our many new developments,’’ he said. “This is a period of growth that we look forward to celebrating with our community!”

The Annual Spring Gala serves as both a celebration of the organization’s achievements and a vital fundraiser to ensure the continuation of its impactful programs.

This year, On Your Mark will honor the South Shore Kiwanis Club and the North Central Kiwanis Club of Staten Island for their outstanding support and dedication to the organization’s causes and endeavors.

Their unwavering commitment and tireless efforts have been instrumental in furthering the mission of On Your Mark and empowering individuals with disabilities to lead fulfilling lives, an On Your Mark announcement said.

“We are thrilled to invite our community to join us for this year’s Spring Gala,” said Nadia Fabozzi, interim director of development at On Your Mark. “It’s not just an evening of glamour and festivities. It’s a chance for us to come together and make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities. Every ticket sold and every contribution made directly impacts the programs and services we offer.”

Tickets for the Annual Spring Gala are available for purchase on the On Your Mark website at Supporting On Your Mark helps the organization continue its work, empower individuals with disabilities and help them to thrive.

For further information and to secure tickets, visit or reach out to the On Your Mark development team at [email protected] or by phone at 631 386-8738. “Together, let’s make a difference and celebrate the spirit of community and inclusion at the Annual Spring Gala,” Fabozzi said.

Alice Catalano, Willowbrook Survivor, Celebrates her 75th Birthday!

On August 4th , Alice Catalano celebrated her 75th birthday at Jimmy Max, surrounded by friends and family. But this wasn’t any ordinary birthday party. Alice, alongside her two grown sons, celebrated not only her birthday: but her freedom, independence, and fulfilling life as well. You see, Alice spent the early years of her life at the Willowbrook State School, right here on Staten Island. 2022 marks 50 years from when a 25-year-old Alice celebrated the beginning of the Willowbrook shutdown.

Alice, supported by On Your Mark for over 40 years, has overcome immeasurable challenges to be where she is today. On Your Mark Development Coordinators Eva Holtermann and Nadia Bennacer sat down with her earlier this year to capture her story firsthand. With the help of her Community Habilitation Direct Support Professional (or Com Hab DSP), Dorothy Tancredi, Alice took us through her life’s journey, sparing no details! She’s no stranger telling her story and now serves as an advocate and educator about Willowbrook and her new life at On Your Mark.

Alice was born in 1947 to a single mother in Bronx, New York. After a number of years, they moved to Brooklyn, and at the age of eight, Alice was removed from her mother, sent to a Catholic Institution run by nuns upstate. Although Alice missed her mother very much, she enjoyed her years upstate. As a young girl, she went to mass regularly and practiced the Catholic religion, which provided a solid foundation for her optimism and spirituality today. She unfortunately began to fall behind on her schoolwork and consequently was placed at Willowbrook. When asked to describe Willowbrook, Alice answered, “Very bad, very depressing, very sad. I didn’t like it there. I had no friends and no one to associate with. I would hang out by myself. I couldn’t act independent – all we could do was walk around the campus 24/7. There was not much to do. We went to a building where they had dancing…every Thursday. I taught myself how to dance!” (Fast forward 50 years: Alice is one of the best dancers at On Your Mark!)

Alice says, “Willowbrook was a bad place but I [fought] the system. I used to run away to my mother in Brooklyn. When my mother came to visit me, she gave me her home address and I’d wait for everyone to go to sleep and then I’d climb out the basement window to go visit her. I would take the bus. They used to call the cops and take me back and lock me in Building 23 – the ‘lock up building.’ They would put me in the ‘seclusion room.’”

Eventually, Alice took a job at Willowbrook in the “baby building” and assisted workers with dressing, feeding, and changing the infant residents. She also served as a porter, moving heavy furniture, and cleaning and maintaining the buildings. (A job not quite fit for a young teenager.) After several months, she was unable to perform manual labor as she became pregnant with her first son William in 1972, the year Willowbrook began to close.

“When I got pregnant, they couldn’t do nothing to me no more,” she states. “I didn’t know where I was going to live. I got pregnant on the grounds and stayed there for nine months. They took me to St. Vincent’s to give birth and they wanted me to sign papers to give [him] up and I said ‘no.’ I refused to sign the papers. They took him to foster care and took me back to Willowbrook to live there another couple of years.”

Now with another life to worry about, Alice’s survival became even more purposeful. “I think I saved my own life,” she says. “There was an attendant from Building 23 who tried to poison me. There was a lot of people there who thought we were stupid. They tried to abuse us, but I knew what they were doing. I knew they were trying to hurt us. I had to survive one way or the other. I wasn’t scared of the outside world. I was ready to get out.”

With all eyes on the shutdown of Willowbrook, resources increased for these individuals. Eventually, Alice was able to get the attention of a social service agency who advised the courts that if they could get her an apartment and she was able to take care of herself; she would be able to take William back. Alice was able to live independently after obtaining an apartment. She went on to live on Jersey Street for a couple of years and eventually got William back when he was three years old. “It was hard. I was on welfare. I had to struggle. He had Epilepsy and I’d have to get him to the emergency room. The social workers from Seaview would help me give him medicine, but I knew a lot because when I lived in Willowbrook I worked in the baby building. I knew how to feed [babies] and change their diapers.” Alice had her second son, Steven, in 1978.

In the years to follow, (former On Your Mark Executive Director) Eugene Spatz met Alice and began providing her with support for her two sons. Thinking back, Alice remembers, “I got [my sons] in programs because I didn’t want them running the streets.” A new non-profit at the time, On Your Mark was primarily providing Respite services for children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. William, Steven, and Alice grew up with the help of On Your Mark. They now all reside in apartments supported by the agency. “On Your Mark supported me throughout the years – now I have a nice apartment. I keep in touch with John Bilotti – he helps me a lot and he does a lot of good things for me. I call him all the time! My two sons work now.” William works as a mechanic and Steven works in a restaurant – two successful, independent men.

Alice attends programming at On Your Mark’s P.R.I.M.E. (People Receiving Individualized Mature Experiences) Day Habilitation site. The “P.R.I.M.E. program takes us to a lot of places. They take me to the boardwalk and to Coney Island, and [my Com Hab DSPs] take me to all my doctor appointments. I [still] love my dancing and my music!” She currently resides in a beautiful apartment near Silver Lake. According to her Com Hab DSP Dorothy, “Alice keeps everyone on their toes at On Your Mark and we all enjoy working with her tremendously.” She continues with tears in her eyes, “and on a personal note, I thank On Your Mark for giving me the opportunity to learn so much from this incredible lady.”

Happy 75th Birthday, Alice! We are so proud of all you have accomplished.

Malliotakis presents ‘On Your Mark’ with $1.5M at spring gala

An evening of elegance, music, prizes — and surprises galore — plus plenty of community giving, came to life at the On Your Mark Annual Spring Gala in Nicotra’s Ballroom at the Hilton Garden Inn, where some 600 revelers attended to benefit individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

The evening also served as a celebration of the organization’s achievements and ensured the continuation of its impactful programs that benefit special needs individuals and allowed On Your Mark to expand services.

Throughout the years, On Your Mark has made a commitment to enhance the lives of its participants. Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis presented On Your Mark with a donation of federal funds — $1.5 million — earmarked for renovations of the organization’s fitness center and elevator in its building at Victory Boulevard and Forest Avenue in West Brighton.

On Your Mark lauded members of the South Shore Kiwanis Club and its president, Tom Conte, and the North Central Kiwanis Club of Staten Island and its president, Richard Kerney, for their year-long, support of the organization.

Nadia Fabozzi, interim director of development at On Your Mark, said, “Every day I’m privileged to be on staff at On Your Mark. We are truly blessed. And thanks to the On Your Mark board of directors for leading the way for us.”, welcomed all to the event with special thanks to On Your Mark families and friends.

“On Your Mark has once again experienced growth and has opened up new avenues for opportunity for our individuals,” said John Bilotti, executive director. “Your steadfast support has played a significant role in this achievement. It is through your generosity and commitment that we are able to maintain the highest standards of service, love and companionship for our participants. Over the past year, On Your Mark has continued to evolve and innovate, restructuring, reevaluating and revitalizing our cherished programs, services and facilities. Tonight’s event will be an opoortunity to showcase our recent accomplishments and to honor those individuals whose daily actions embody the very essence of our mission.”

Bilotti explained that this year they were privileged to present an award that is extremely dear to them, The Judge G. Trager Memorial Community Recognition Award.“It is so important to give the award to the South Shore Kiwanis Club,” he stated. “Every year they extend an invitation to On Your Mark individuals granting them the experience of attending the Christmas Show at Radio City Music Hall. The cherished tradition has transformed into a source of boundless excitement and anticipation for our individuals, allowing them to feel like true superstars.”

The evening’s second honoree was The North Central Kiwanis Club.“As a proud member of this esteemed club myself, it is with great pleasure that I present them with an award tonight to commend their remarkable character,” Bilotti added. “The North Central Kiwanis Club’s enduring support has been instrumental in our endeavors, exempted by their recent donation toward transforming our kitchen at Chillaway into a haven for our individuals. Through their collaboration and commitment, they have helped turn our vision into reality , significantly enhancing the quality of life for those we serve.” Bilotti continued: “As always, On Your Mark remains committed to creating an independent lifestyle for all our participants by promoting friendship, socialization and community involvement. together, with the help of our families, friends and loved ones, we. continue to grow and expand our programs. I would like to thank the On Your Mark Board of Directors and our dedicated staff for giving me the distinct privilege and honor to lead a remarkable agency.”

Wonka-inspired ‘Copper Ticket’ earns a winner a free chocolate basket

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — “If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it,” said candy man Willy Wonka of the eponymous chocolate factory movie. Chocolate fans on Staten Island can do just that in West Brighton with On Your Mark Chocolatier’s latest endeavor.

Workers in the shop just minted a limited edition candy bar — milk chocolate blended with crushed pretzels, toffee crispy rice, graham crackers and toasted coconut. Only 250 pieces have been produced, six of which have been wrapped with an individual Copper Ticket. Inspired by the latest Willy Wonka flick, the Copper Ticket concept gifts six lucky winners with a massive chocolate basket plus a $25 store gift certificate.

The contest ends on Dec. 4. The unique candy bars are sold while supplies last. The copper ticket takes its name from the shop’s copper-on-aqua logo schematic. The signature colors have been in place since the store’s inception eight years ago. The state-funded On Your Mark not-for-profit shop employs over 20 locals. Supervised by several trained crew members including Director of Business Joe Gori, the staff turns out bonbons, truffles, chocolate bars and intricate seasonal pieces.

Gori shared, “We are at On Your Mark are so happy to be offering this contest to the community as it really hones in on the skills that the individuals learn while working in the shop — customer service, product development, marketing, and sales. The end product is a testament to all the skills they’ve learned at work.”
The store is open on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The staff ships countrywide, The store can be found at 639 Forest Ave., West Brighton, 718-981-8100. On Your Mark also runs a cafe next door open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., also Monday through Friday.

Pamela Silvestri is Advance Food Editor. She can be reached at [email protected].

Staten Island’s Best Dressed: After a 3-year hiatus, On Your Mark hosts fabulous luau at the Staaten

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Aloha! For this week’s Best Dressed, featured are photos from On Your Mark’s Luau on July 6 at LiGreci’s Staaten. Respite and Residential Departments welcomed guests to their first in-person party since 2019.

The On Your Mark individuals and staff delighted in seeing friends they had not seen in three years, enjoying the tunes of DJ Angelo of Party People Promotions. “We were so happy to partner with the Residential Department to continue the tradition of the yearly Luau Party,” said Joelle Bilotti, the Interim Director of Respite at On Your Mark. “We know how much our individuals look forward to this annual celebration.”

The On Your Mark Respite Program has been slowly rebuilding itself since it reopened its doors in October of 2021. The luau was a celebration of the hard work of the new, and returning, staff members. The Respite department has redeveloped and reimagined this long standing program over the past year.According to Bilotti, the individuals of On Your Mark are participating in trips to the movies, bowling alleys, museums, cooking classes, and even overnight getaways at the agency’s vacation property, Camp Chill Away. The goal of this program is to provide endless activities that integrate the individuals into the community.

Opening of Respite!

Agency’s Respite Program is Back in Action

On Saturday, October 16th, On Your Mark reopened the doors to its beloved in-person Saturday Respite program! Under the new direction of Joelle Bilotti, Caitlin Gardner, and Jennifer Larsen, the staff welcomed over 50 individuals back to their South Shore location.

Jennifer Larsen, who began her career in the Respite department in 1998, currently supports all programs and departments in her role as Associate Executive Director. “We’ve been working hard to enhance our Respite program by developing a robust offering for so many families in need. It’s very exciting to reopen our doors slowly and safely, so that we can help our individuals get back to socializing with their friends!” Joelle Bilotti, previously On Your Mark’s Assistant Director of Day Habilitation, has been with the agency for over 10 years and has worked to open many of their renowned Community-Based Day Habilitation programs. “I am so excited to see all of our hard work come to fruition. We have virtual Zoom four times a week and I can see how eager all of the individuals are to get back in, see their friends, and to just have fun! I am lucky to be a part of such a caring and loyal organization.” Finally, Caitlin Gardner has been with the agency for over 15 years and has worked to support and create numerous programs at On Your Mark. She states that they are “happy to be back providing this much needed service to the individuals and their families once again.”

On Your Mark’s Respite program is well known for its diverse array of activities. From overnight trips to Camp Chen-A-Wanda, to day trips to see a Broadway show; there’s no uncharted waters for this program. Individuals are accustomed to pursuing all types of interests including yoga, sports, arts and crafts, and more! Long-time On your Mark individual, Ricky White expressed that he is “happy to go back to On Your Mark Respite program and see all my friends.” He enjoys “playing basketball with his best friend Joe, art class, cooking class, computers, fitness class, and weightlifting because [his] girlfriend likes [his] muscles!”
For those who are unfamiliar, Respite programs were originally designed to give an individual’s primary caretakers a break, sometimes in the form of overnight getaways, other times as recreational programs on nights and weekends. On Your Mark welcomes each opportunity to serve an individual and their family under any circumstances. Parents and caregivers rely on these types of programs to enhance the lives of their loved ones by providing them with services that promote independence. “The program is very good for the children. It gives the guys something to do and something to look forward to. The people who work for On Your Mark are such amazing and fantastic people. My daughter has attended their program for so many years, I can’t even remember. On Your Mark is her whole life!” says Carmine Amarando, parent of On Your Mark individual.

This program was a vital part of many individuals’ lives and the lapse in routine has severely impacted them. Kim White, parent of Ricky White, said that “due to COVID, the program has been closed. Ricky is so happy to be returning. He has really missed socializing with his peers and all of the fun activities that he would do while there. I look forward to having him get back into his normal routine and resuming a program that encourages his independence, activities, and social skills.”
The lapse in fully reopening On Your Mark’s Respite Program also disrupted the lives of many loyal staff members. They are looking forward to returning just as much as the individuals! Gina Savage, who has been employed with On Your Mark for over 10 years, is excited to get this program back up and running. “I have 9 years’ experience working for On Your Mark’s Respite Program, and I am so grateful to be involved again. Our individuals and staff have endured many changes and hardships during the pandemic but have stayed “On Your Mark Strong” and are looking forward to launching a great new season of Respite programming. I can’t wait to get started!”

The new Saturday program will run October 16, 2021 through June 25, 2022 at the South Shore JCC and will include lots of past activities, including some new ideas suggested by families and individuals! If you, or someone you know, is interested in On Your Mark’s services, (which include Community Habilitation, Employment Services, Day Habilitation, Residential and, of course, Respite) please reach out to their Intake and Entitlements Coordinator, Elizabeth Ciraola at 718-720-9233 ext. 5061 or [email protected]. And, if you, or someone you know, is interested in applying for a position at On Your Mark please visit