Wonka-inspired ‘Copper Ticket’ earns a winner a free chocolate basket

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — “If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it,” said candy man Willy Wonka of the eponymous chocolate factory movie. Chocolate fans on Staten Island can do just that in West Brighton with On Your Mark Chocolatier’s latest endeavor.

Workers in the shop just minted a limited edition candy bar — milk chocolate blended with crushed pretzels, toffee crispy rice, graham crackers and toasted coconut. Only 250 pieces have been produced, six of which have been wrapped with an individual Copper Ticket. Inspired by the latest Willy Wonka flick, the Copper Ticket concept gifts six lucky winners with a massive chocolate basket plus a $25 store gift certificate.

The contest ends on Dec. 4. The unique candy bars are sold while supplies last. The copper ticket takes its name from the shop’s copper-on-aqua logo schematic. The signature colors have been in place since the store’s inception eight years ago. The state-funded On Your Mark not-for-profit shop employs over 20 locals. Supervised by several trained crew members including Director of Business Joe Gori, the staff turns out bonbons, truffles, chocolate bars and intricate seasonal pieces.

Gori shared, “We are at On Your Mark are so happy to be offering this contest to the community as it really hones in on the skills that the individuals learn while working in the shop — customer service, product development, marketing, and sales. The end product is a testament to all the skills they’ve learned at work.”
The store is open on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The staff ships countrywide, The store can be found at 639 Forest Ave., West Brighton, 718-981-8100. On Your Mark also runs a cafe next door open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., also Monday through Friday.

Pamela Silvestri is Advance Food Editor. She can be reached at [email protected].

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